Crescent Energy Services is proud to offer the Warrior Data Acquisition System from Scientific America for your logging needs. Crescent also employs Logging Engineers capable of assisting with the reading and interpretation of your well’s logs. When combined with Crescent’s electric line, slickline, and other P&A equipment, Crescent can offer you endless possibilities for your plugback, slot recovery and sidetrack prep, or other well intervention operations.
Cased Hole Logging Services
- 3’ – 5’ Bond / Gamma Ray-CCL / Temperature Logging Survey
- 3’ – 5’ Sector Bond / Gamma Ray-CCL / Temperature Logging Survey
- 1-11/16” Gamma Ray-CCL Correlating Services
- 1-11/16” Shooting Gamma Ray-CCL Perforate Correlation Services
- Thru-Tubing Plugback Recording Services